Islamic Theology Quiz

Islamic Theology Quiz

Test your Islamic Theology knowledge with this challenging quiz! It contains 10 questions on topics like the five Pillars of Islam and teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.

published on May 12, 20230 responses 0
Islamic Theology Quiz
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What are the five Pillars of Islam?

What are the five Pillars of Islam?
Fasting, Faith, Hajj, Zakat, Daily Prayer
Faith, Ruling, Charity, Ramadan, Education
Hajj, Tawhid, Sunnah, Iman, Charity
Fasting, Salah, Zakat, Peace, Education

Which two books are the main sources of Islamic teachings?

Which two books are the main sources of Islamic teachings?
The Bible and Quran
The Bible and the Sunnah
The Sunnah and Quran
The Torah and Quran

What is the meaning of the term Shari'ah?

What is the meaning of the term Shari'ah?
The process of revealing the Quran
The practice of the Islamic faith
The practice of Islamic law
The name of the Islamic holy book

What is the central tenet of Tawhid?

What is the central tenet of Tawhid?
The belief in one God
The belief in multiple gods
The belief in evil spirits
The belief in human supremacy

Which of the following is a pillar of Islam?

Which of the following is a pillar of Islam?

What is the opposite of Bid'ah?

What is the opposite of Bid'ah?

What is the purpose of the Hajj?

What is the purpose of the Hajj?
To remember the sacrifices of prophets
To perform the pilgrimage to Mecca
To practice charity and service to the poor
To be purified through fasting and prayer

What is the practice of Zakat?

What is the practice of Zakat?
An announcement to start prayer
Almsgiving for the benefit of the poor
Sacrificing a goat for spiritual cleansing
Fasting for a month during Ramadan

Which of the following is a characteristic of Islamic law?

Which of the following is a characteristic of Islamic law?
Focus on personal responsibility
Focus on collective actions
Belief in multiple gods
Rejection of divine guidance

Which of the following are considered obligatory acts according to the Sunnah?

Which of the following are considered obligatory acts according to the Sunnah?
Fasting, Salah and Reading the Quran
Qurban, Zakat and Hajj
Iman, Tawhid and Jihad
Hijab, Sunnah and Eid al-Fitr