About reyna

  • i love to read and be with my friends. i am very social and love making new friends. my glasses are purple and blue. i have a silver ring from my grandma that i wear every day. i am funny and hyper all the time. FAV AUTHOR: rick riordan or Brandon mull. I LOVE OWL CITY AND R5!!! they're awesome!! also percy Jackson, harry potter, and the fablehaven series. anyone who is obsessed with Percy is AWESOME!!! lunar chronicles and chronicles of Narnia are also great. I like to sing and I love dancing. I have a very large family (24 cousins- and that's just on my dad's side) girls, if someone asks you a personal question, like your last name, address, age, email, or anything like that, DO NOT ANSWER!!! they could be someone looking to hurt you. for all any of you know, I could be a serial killer! I mean, I'm not, but you don't know that! sorry if I sound crazy, but I don't want anyone to get hurt.
  • Gender Female
  • Joined Qfeast on June 02, 2016