How is life right now??? (I want to practice being a therapist, so share ur problems)

Just spill all of your problems and I wanna try to help you

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ok, so i have this friend that keeps calling me all the time telling me every little thing about her life XP its very annoying. im not sure how i am supposed to tell her that i dont appreciate this calling every 5 min.
on May 16, 2014
I think that's a great idea to do! (:

Anyways here's my problem;

Alright, so it's been about 5 to 6 years since I've seen a dentist for a basic cleaning. Near the end of March, my front teeth started to feel like they were being pushed out, due to my bottom front teeth. I made my parents aware of that. My parents pretty much ignored it. So I felt it was necessary at the time to write a proffesional letter to them, saying so why I need to at least go to the dentist for a basic See More▼
going to the dentist doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to get braces, it just means that the dentist will tell you what is wrong with your teeth. So if you go to the dentist, your dentist will tell the truth and your parents will have to believe him/her. also, if you are so sure that you need to see a dentist immediately and you tell your parents this, See More▼
on May 13, 2014
ok. I'm really sorry that your parents are not taking you seriously. i've been in that boat before. here's what i think you should do. have a serious talk with your parents and tell them what you really think. to me it sound like you haven't really had a detailed discussion with them. Bring up all of the points that you told me. if it is really true that you See More▼
on May 13, 2014
on May 13, 2014