What will happen to your account if you violate the rules here too much?

What will happen to your account if you violate the rules here too much?

Pretend you are a person who enjoys violating rules in many websites for fun. Someday, you join Qfeast and started violating its rules a lot. Qfeast gave you several warnings that tells you not to violate the rules. Obviously, you ignored the warnings and continue violating the rules. One day, Qfeast gave you a consequence. Something happens to your account. What happened?
I'm dying to know the consequences Qfeast gives to people who don't listen. What will happen to their accounts? Will they be banned from Qfeast for a very long or short time? Will their accounts be deleted? Or will they continue giving warnings without having your account taken?

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It will get banned or deleted
on September 16, 2014