Looking for manual and setup instructions

I've got a Philips AVENT baby monitor, and I'm looking for the user manual and setup instructions. Any idea where I can get my hands on them?

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Absolutely, I understand how valuable those user manuals and setup instructions can be. For your Philips AVENT https://philips-avent.manymanuals.com/ product, you're in luck because there's a fantastic online resource for Philips manuals and related instructions. It's a website called manymanuals.com, and they have a dedicated section for Philips AVENT products, covering everything from baby monitors to breast pumps and more. I've personally used it several times, and it's been See More▼
Thanks a million for the fantastic recommendation! I'll definitely check out the website to find the Audi user manual and instructions. It's such a relief to know there's a resource like this. Your advice is much appreciated. I'm sure this will make my life a lot easier. Many thanks again!
on October 28, 2023
on October 28, 2023