My friend is rude...

My Friend, let's call her Eli, has been pretty rude and caused quite a few fights. The main one I want to address it that she doesn't care about how I feel. (As in when I'm sad or mad about something, she laughs at me for it.) Eli has also manipulated me and kept pulling me away from my other friends, let's call them Rhett and Mitchell. They are my best friends and she keeps pulling me away from my other friends too. Also when I ask her to stop talking about something she tells me to get over it. What should I do?

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Answers (5)

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Tell an adult. Explain your situation, and ask for advice. They may say get new friends. My advice? Avoid Eli for a few days, or until she realizes that you don’t want to be around her when she misbehaves. She is old enough to learn, and you shouldn’t be suffering because of her. Good luck!
on October 29, 2017
Your friend is a dick.
Drop her.
on October 29, 2017
If you have a rude friend, don't be friends with them. They could (notice "could" ), make you rude too.
on October 29, 2017
this is an extremely toxic friendship and it would be best to drop them as a friend.

i understand this isn't the easiest to do and it can take a lot of time but confronting them and saying "look you're making me unhappy and i don't think this friendship is working out" or something along those lines will make the process work much faster
on October 29, 2017
Try to stay away from Eli as she is ruining your other friendships and tell ur two best friends about what's going on so they know. They might even know what else to do.
on October 29, 2017