What are your thoughts on abortion?

What are your thoughts on abortion?

Abortion is a heavy topic to discuss but I do want to know what you think about it.
Personally I would never abort my child...Unless it would in some way benfit the child.
Like if the child were to have a very critical and uncurable dieases/defect such as Tay-Sachs disease, Turner's syndrome or Progeria

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Answers (3)

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it should be all up to the mom.
if the woman was raped, it's completely acceptable as well
I don't want to hear that "it has a life too!!" bull crap because until it's fully formed, no it does not.
I agree
on September 04, 2017
on September 04, 2017
A pregnacy should never be manditory- Actively denying a woman of her right to choose is a reprehensible and violent attempt to control her body. In 2008, approximately 41 percent of all pregnancies were reported as unintentional. In other words, some 85,362,000 pregnancies were unplanned. The choices of these 85 million women remain their own. There are boundless reasons as to why a woman may not be capable of carrying a fetus, should not carry a fetus, or simply does not want See More▼
on February 20, 2018
TBH if the woman was raped then I guess its acceptable, although in my personal opinion the woman should birth the child, then give the kid up for adoption or something. I really don't want to start an argument but I think that if a woman knew what the risks were and let the man go through without a condom then she should birth the child and take responsibility. I really don't you should take the child's life away, even if they're not technically not alive yet or completely formed, See More▼
on September 07, 2017