What does a first-time cat owner need to know?

What does a first-time cat owner need to know?

I am soon becoming owner of a small-for-her-age molly cat. She kitted twelve weeks from now and has been sprayed [or nurtured] recently. She is one year old. Anything at all I need to know if I'm a first-time cat owner? It doesn't even need to be about her: just anything at all.

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Answers (1)

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Cats are nocturnal animals, so be patient with her if she jumps on you and wants to play when you want to sleep.
Cats have a bacteria in their faeces that can be harmful to unborn babies. Long term cat owners can build immunities to this however, but pregnant women should stay well away from the litter box.
Cats love boxes. Seriously, they are happiest with a cardboard box over any store bought cat toy.
Cats love to climb and can have a problem with sharpening their claws on See More▼
on March 07, 2015