Can you please read this.

Okay I need to get this off my chest.

If you don't like a band, that is perfectly okay. I don't like many bands but listen. DO NOT make hate pages, mean comments. DO NOT call them gay or argue with the fan base. Music is the one thing that people should have the right to listen to and not be attacked. Honestly, hate is a very strong word and just because someone followed their dream and is living to their best ability, doesn't mean they should be attacked and cussed out for it. I know from experience that seeing your idol and favorite band getting so much crap for something is not nice to see and has brought tears to my eyes.

Some people just go to far and no one deserves the crap given to them. In the past I have said horrible things but now I realize what a meany head I was. I would love to get your opinion on this, but I don't want the "I have the right to say..." Or the "freedom of speech..." Or whatever.

Here's an example that actually made me cry.
In 2012 Mitch lucker had died in a motorcycle accident. He was in a heavy metal band called suicide silence and had tattoos up and down his body but he was one of the most amazing people ever. He gave people hope and love. He had find raisers for kids and cared most for his daughter and wife. His five year old loved him with all her heart. When he died his fans mourned and cried and guess what happened? They were told to kill themselves. People said Mitch lucker was "satanic" and "deserved to die". They said they were happy he was gone. They told his FIVE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER to kill herself and stop whining over it. I don't understand why people can be so rude and make fun of a DEATH. It breaks my heart that people are like this and it needs to stop.

Share this and get it out. If you don't like it, don't fight it. Leave it alone and stop being butts about it. Honestly, have a little heart and respect for people.

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Answers (4)

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Lol I said that too :3
on July 24, 2014
on July 24, 2014
Amen. If you like something, you shouldn't be judged; it's your opinion :D it's a free country people! If you don't like something someone else likes don't say anything!!!
True @kittygirl4133...true :3
on July 24, 2014
on July 24, 2014
on August 03, 2014
AMEN! You hit that subject on the nail! What a perfect way to describe it!!
on July 24, 2014