Can you help me be less self-conscious?

Can you help me be less self-conscious?

Whenever i'm around people (my family, strangers,relatives, even friends) i get so self-conscious of my looks, personality, and everything about me. .. I think it's because i was bullied so much in elementary school about everything. Or maybe it's because i am made fun of because my family isn't rich and i don't have expensive stuff or live in a big house like my classmates do (i get super self-conscious about that @ school too). Anyway, do you guys have any tips on how to be more sure of myself and be secure in who I am?

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Answers (1)

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Um... You could just don't let yourself fell self conscious, just when it comes to you, don't let it. Block it out. Um.....I don't have anything else's to say except for this, AVARDA KEDAVRA, become a dead body in Latin, don't mean it
on August 18, 2016