Was I right?

Was I right?
My friend a long time ago invited me to play at Rascals with her and my old classmates. I went. But, she never talked to me. I was the one who was her best friend. And one of her first! I was only 10 years old! It was actually a few years ago . . . I was so sad. But, then again, she never called me on my birthdays. Only I did. That was sad. I would wait all day . . . every year for her to just call. I still do. I still think of her as a friend though. Even though she doesn't call me when I am in a hospital bed because if my bad health anymore. Am I still right to be her friend?

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Answers (1)

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Your question is a hard one to answer, my friend... Hmmmm... Okay, so here is what I have for you.if she doesn't make an effort to call you or anything else, let it go. Ask her if she wants to hang out more or just dodge it. You are right to be her friend.
If she'd taken you for granted, she will know how she has made a Major lost for losing a really great friend! So it's your choice to still be her friend or just go...
You ARE right to be her friend! I'm rooting for you!!!! See More▼
on October 14, 2016