whos is your favourite singer/bands and why?

I want to know whats your favorite singer or bands that you guys like and I may listen to your favorite artist songs!

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The Beatles are my favorite. They’re so legendary, they're so inspiring, they’re very talented, and they have so many awesome songs and albums. Radiohead is my second favorite behind the Beatles. I really like their unique sound, a lot of their songs are great, I like all of their albums, they played lots of instruments, and they’re very talented. I think Thom Yorke has a great voice and I really like how he sings these songs.
on November 22, 2019
As I am from India I love the every green voice of my Indian singers . My favorite singer is none other than K.S. CHITHRA who is called melody queen of Indian cinema, Nightingale of south India and little nightingale of India. She is first Indian woman singer who sung in British parliament and she is first Indian woman singer who honoured by China parliament and she is first south Indian woman singer who got most prestigious MTV Bollywood award and she is first Indian woman singer See More▼
on November 22, 2019