Answer this truthfully please?[question in the description]

Answer this truthfully please?[question in the description]

walked into 2020 as a she/they, pansexual, Christian with 10 friends, medium length hair, no glasses, and mostly wore oversized goodies and flannels.

I then walked out of 2020 as a he/she/they/it/nym/barkself, pansexual, atheist with 3 irl friends and 10 online friends, short hair, red glasses, and wear all types of clothing.

How I was before 2020:?✨???, grandpa alive, ADHD, only developing anxiety.

After 2020:?????✨, grandpa died, ADHD and autism, very, very severe anxiety, mild intrusive thoughts, bipolor depression.

But which one was better?

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Answers (4)

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Walked into 2020 as a straight,she/her,15 friends,Loved dresses
Walked out of 2020 as a Bisexual,She/they,most online friends and like 7 irl friends,hates dresses
on January 01, 2021
Walked into 2020 severely depressed, long hair, probably bisexual, Lots of bullies and stuff, she/they, no real friends IRL except for 1 or 2, emotionless
Walked out of 2020 very little depression, Dysphoria, about to chop off my lovely locks, demi-omnisexual or bisexual, She/he/they/them, like 3 IRL friends, 10 or 15 online friends, got a girlfriend, emotional, and hoping covid will end
on January 01, 2021
ayy welcome to the bipolar club, its a bitchin disorder but the community is very supportive
and i guess theres no real answer? do you think you feel better about yourself now as opposed to then?
on January 01, 2021
uhm...out ig?
on January 01, 2021