why dont they like me? UGH

THESE GIRLS they are so annoying UGH. They are mean to everyone for no reason and for some reason they hate me. SO a month ago i got my hair dyed blonde ombre, right? Today is the first time I've seen them in a while and they make a comment "behind my back" but loud enough for me to hear. "But she's an Asian with blonde hair!" Like, hemhem, racist much? And technically, I'm only HALF Asian. My friends think they don't like me because I have a chance at being more popular than them. PETTY MUCH YA LITTLE BUTTHOLES!

Sorry, I just needed to rant. UGHHH >:<

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Answers (1)

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The qoute "Do not Judge a book by its cover" would fit quite well in your situation. People, and society can be like that sometimes. It is up to us, and those who choose not to judge to lead the way.
on July 28, 2016