Why do you think our society is so sensitive?

Over the past couple years, I've noticed our society has grown into a world where you have to sneak around other people so you don't hurt their feelings. Also, I feel that the world has evolved into a place where you must be "dank" or "dope" to be accepted, and people are very immature. This is just my opinion. Does anyone else feel this way? Any thoughts?

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I feel the same. Why do I have DO be dank or dope?
on December 31, 2016
Well, probably we realized we werent perfect. And that scares us.
on December 29, 2016
YES! The today society is so sensitive, people complain for virtually everything. And get upset and shocked so easily.

For example,
- worldwide, the Muslims are offended because of Christian traditions, so some politicians told us that we should not say anymore: Happy Christmas. Really? Maybe the politicians & Muslims should go back in dessert.
- you cannot say anymore a girl she is sexy or hot, because she thinks that either you are sexually harnessing her or you are pervert. See More▼
Well, to be honest, every religon is offended by other religons, and its not just now. It was sence religon was a thing. We're only just recodnizing it now.
on December 29, 2016
on December 29, 2016