Do you believe in Mythical Creatures?

Do you believe in Mythical Creatures?

Do you believe in magical/fantastic/mythical creatures? Why or why not?

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Answers (2)

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I do believe in mythical creatures, but its not really logical. I like to enjoy fantasies about mythical creatures like dragons. The dragons are my spirit animal, btw. Mythical creatures are seen in legends and folk tales. Hey, what are the odds of seeing a mythical creature in real life. I would be keeping it a secret to hide it from people who wants to hurt it. I would love to have a best friend who is a dragon., that would be awesome.
Anywayz, I think mythical creatures can See More▼
on December 01, 2016
I believe in mythical creatures because itz unknown like no one has seen it so whos to say they dont exist
on December 01, 2016