What would you do in this situation?

You had a dream that you ran naked around the streets and you wake up and it actually happened...
Note; I would really like to know!

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Answers (3)

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Change my name and move to Canada. I don't have enough self-esteem to deal with the consequences of that.
on November 06, 2017
Same as ELINAviolets, crept I would probably throw tables at the wall ^.^
on December 05, 2015
I'd be embarresed, find some kind of ussable cloth and think of following situashons that might of caused all this while I return home.
If by chance I know who did this I'd first need to find out if he has some kind of video or photo of me that I need to retrieve. If that person is younger then me I'll torchure him/her with hell and if that person is older I'll call every adult I know of and tell them about the childabuse I got. In any situashon younger or older, instead of me See More▼
on December 05, 2015