Am I just imagining or what?

Am I just imagining or what?

I have lost my key charm at my school that connects to my necklace! Ever since then, I felt hollow. Or empty. The key supposed to represent it as a key for my heart. I have a lot of secrets and things I keep from people. My signature picture is a locked up heart, which can be opened by "the key". Anyways, what should I do?! I really loved that key. Should I keep looking for it? Or just forget it? Help?! It kinda looks like this... But with rhinestones covering it.

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Answers (2)

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I somewhat know the feeling...though not to your extent...the key you are looking for, if you keep looking may or may not be found. It is whether you truly want to find it, and keep searching for it...if that is truly what is required, then keep searching. That key may not seem valuable to others, but it is YOUR key, and as you said, the key that is most important to you.
No problem.
on October 26, 2016
on October 26, 2016
on October 26, 2016
I'm sorry S. I'll try to find yours, but you can keep the key I give you! It can be like a frendship thing! I'll try my best to find it even though it is kinda hard to find!
on October 26, 2016