How do know if someone likes you?

How do know if someone likes you?

I like this boy named Brice and he doesn't like me.does he like me or not I don no but it seems like I'm not there.

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Some people could blush at someone's name. I experienced that with a boy... :3
on January 31, 2016
Okay this doesn't apply to all humans, but here are some physical indications that he might not like you.
- When you talk to him, his feet are pointed away from you.
- He looks away from you when you're talking to him. (This is also a sign he may like you.)
- He rolls his eyes or sighs if you pass or try to talk to him.
- He ignores you if you try to call him.
If he likes you, then he'll be doing the opposite of the above.

Here are some signs that he likes you: See More▼
on January 31, 2016