She has a boyfriend, but she might like me even though she says she doesn't what do I do

She has a boyfriend, but she might like me even though she says she doesn't what do I do

I really like her but, she says ewww I don't like you but she blushes about it afterward

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my name is robin, i got married to my wife four years ago, two months ago, i was surprise to get a divorced letter, i thought it was a joke, cause she likes joking a lot. little did i know that there was something behind her jokes. i really loved her, even after she left, i still wanted her back, one day i was online and i got a link , i explained everything to the admin, he told me what to do, and i did, guess what my friends!!! i and my wife are back together See More▼
on February 04, 2016
Wait for her and her boyfriend to break up, and then ask her out.
on January 21, 2016
Dude when her and her bf break up, try and charm her. Be confident. Never be tooooooooo straight forward. If she doesn’t like u then just shrug it of. I mean I am the most bullied tormented depressed and hated kid in my school. But I don’t care. That can happen when you tell someone popular. But if she isn’t that popular then go ahead. Mess around be a little jerky. Be a mean but funny guy. If she doesn’t like u then move. She ain’t the one then. There are plenty other fish in See More▼
on May 17, 2018
she probs doesnt, blushing after being told that can be a difficult and embarrassing. my advice to you is leave her alone, she already has a boyfriend, dont kick up a drama or shizstorm because it helps no one^^
on December 26, 2015