Do you think money can buy happiness? If so / not, why?

Do you think money can buy happiness? If so / not, why?

Please provide examples if possible

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Answers (3)

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Money can buy things that make us happy but it cannot buy happiness
on November 13, 2016
Hey. Is this for school or something? I'll answer anywayz.
Happiness can not be bought by money. Happiness is something that's inside all of us, and sometimes you need someone to find it( got it from trolls). U can buy all the things in the world for you self, however u might feel bored or lonely after a while. I should know, I really miss someone( boy) from my kindergarten that I didn't see for 4 year and counting. Hope this helps!
on November 13, 2016
Happiness is natural. It cannot be brought. We can enjoy money. But still enjoy other things
on March 10, 2017