What about the "New" Miley Cyrus?

Everybody keeps on saying she is bad. Well, here's my thought.
As she gets older she change more, that is how she is. Although I miss the "old" Miley, she grew up and she's still there. I do miss her old songs and used to watch her. She is just deeper in than shown. I don't grow up that much ch though. Like if u agree. What are your thoughts on her?

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Im not saying that change is bad or that Miley shouldn't have changed,I'm just saying she shouldnt have done it the way she did.I mean we've all,sadly,seen the wreking ball video.The song was good and her voice sounded great,can't lie but just the way she tried to show how 'grown up' she is,is just not the way to go.I havent heard any recent news of her so my opinion will most likely change
on November 20, 2016
one, what "new" miley cyrus, she's been this way for a few years now
and two, she wasn't going to stay hannah montana for the rest of her career. and her music isn't even that bad, she sort of changed for the better
on November 20, 2016