how do you be happy?

how do you be happy?

it feels like i´m lonely without friends that care i need help

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You're not alone...becuase I know that deep down're friends and your family will always be there to guide you...the long as you're ok...because they love you as much as you show how much they care for you from the inside...if you always feel alone...then they'll always be honored to help you by yourside...and I'm sure that everything will be ok...whenever there's hope among you, you should never give up on it...because you'll never know what tomorrow may See More▼
If you really need someone...we're all here for you the long as you're ok...because we care for you, no matter what...??
on December 29, 2018
on December 29, 2018
Avoid what makes you unhappy
Open up about your feelings
When you feel yourself spiral, stop and try to focus on something else
Make a list of the good things in your life, even if it’s something simple.
Know that people love and care about you.
Never start to self harm, it only makes things worse.
Write down your feelings. See More▼
on December 29, 2018