When will I get my first period?(2)

Ok so I'm 13 going on 14 and all my friends have started puberty. I have size 32A breasts but I need a bigger size bra now. I have LOADS of discharge and sometimes I can feel it when I walk. I have been going through puberty for a few years now, and I have been starting to get cramp everyday now, rather than just every couple of months. I have also just had a massive growth spurt! I really want my period! When will I get it?

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Well idk becuz I started puberty at 7 and I use to get cramps and discharge since 8,9 and I only got mine a couple months before I turned 13. I'm 13 now but tbh DON'T SAY U WANT URS trust me I wanted mine but now I totally regret it. If ur friends have it so what?? It jes means u go through less pain and torment than them. And I am a serious heavy bleeder u do not want urs trust me
yes yes u should think about it. less pain and headaches for u. while they r writhing in pain ur happy so .. ur lucky
on May 21, 2014
Haha ok thnx a lot! I guess I should just be happy I dont have to go thru it all yet!
on May 21, 2014
on May 03, 2014