What are the neighbors rights in Islam?

neighbor’s rights in Islam

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If he is ill, you should visit him. If he has a happy occasion, you should congratulate him. If an affliction happened to him, you should console him. If he dies, you should follow his funeral. You should never get your house taller than his and prevent air stream without his permission. You should never let the smell of your food to reach him unless you ladle him some. If you buy fruit, gift him from it, if you don’t do, get it to your house secretly and don’t let your children See More▼
on April 19, 2014
Islam sets different rights for the neighbor, they are so important that he might be one of the family members, the prophet (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Gabriel keeps recommending me to care for neighbor until I thought he was going to give him a share of inheritance.”
Islam divided neighbors into three types:
1- A Muslim relative neighbor, he has three rights, as a Muslim, as a relative and as a neighbor.
2- A Muslim but not a relative neighbor, he has the See More▼
on April 19, 2014
Fukc Islam those assholez
on July 15, 2014