Help! Issues with boys!

Help! Issues with boys!

All right, so there's this guy at school. He's attractive. BTW I'm not in elementary so this ins't just a one day problem. Anyway though, I was mean to him at the begging of the year last year. He's a year older than me. But then I realized that I liked him. So we became friends ish.. Then he dated my friend. Neither them knew I like him. But then she moved and we became better friends. Then it's been about half a year and we haven't really been able to talk because the years are separated. But today he was all like "hey, why don't was talk anymore? You're so much different then he used to be to be.*wink wink* and I was like "uhh..."(stupid me!) so I was like well we don't have classes together anymore. And he's like, that didn't stop you from dating R (not giving his name) he's in this guys glass. So now I'm unsure what to do. Should I try talking to him more? Bye, we didn't do anything last year. I would never do that to my friend. Anyways, plz hurry back with answers! Thanks! :)

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Answers (3)

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I think he likes u as more than friend get closer to hi and talk with him!
on April 12, 2014
He probably likes you (even if just as a friend) and doesn't want to lose you (aww! Yeah I'll shut up now sorry)
Keep talking to him otherwise he might think you don't like him anymore
on April 12, 2014
Probably just likes you as a friend
on July 09, 2014