Did BEN Drown's father drown him and if so why?

Did BEN Drown's father drown him and if so why?

I just wanna know if Ben's father killed him and why.

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I thought he was just a glitch in some idiot's Majora's Mask cartridge.
on June 14, 2017
In my opinion;no he's father did not drown him.
Ok so everyone hated BEN because he was one of the "bad ones" with satan so
I'm guessing they all wanted him dead so at night they kidnapped him. Ps. He's family wasn't aware of this. So they took him to some kind of swamp,tied him up with BEN screaming at the top of his lungs for his mom, and they threw him in the swamp.and they SOME HOW BEN
woke up looking like link and he was not aware of that and went to see his sitter in a See More▼
you got that off Lady Creepypasta's bitstrip video on youtube, didn't you?
IDk what that is but I can tell u this i watched a video on BEN so I know plus I didn't know what the video was called I was looking through videos to watch
on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015
on February 14, 2015