what type of girl are you attracted to? (guys, lesbians, and bi or whatever)

ok so i have been wondering and luna might not aprove of this but i want to know what other guys are attracted too me i like nice girls and girls who are like me but i really like tomboys idk why but i do like them so who are you attracted to and describe why please

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I like people who understnads me or that can make me laugh when I'm down. I want someone who could be there when I need them. Not too over protective, kind, funny, trusting... I want someone who would like me with my flaws. I want someone who just take my hand and hold it. Someone to go to when I'm down. Someone who would give me hugs or wraps around their arms so I can feel safe...
It seems that "that person" would pop up anytime soon. 2 crushes, but idk if any of those 2 are See More▼
on March 24, 2017