What do you think these statistics mean?

According to the US Census Bureau, the current population of the United States is
approximately 309 million. The same source reports the population of the entire
world as being approximately 6.8 billion.
• In 2008, the US gross domestic product (GDP) was about $14.6 trillion dollars, while
the entire world's GDP was approximately $60.8 trillion dollars.
• Put into mathematical terms, this means that the US has about 4.5% of the world's
population, but it produces about 24% of the world's GDP.

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Answers (2)

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nice job if you did that math!! i would have never have thought of that!!!
on October 13, 2012
It makes perfect sense when you think of the less fortunate countries, like Afganistan, Ethiopia, Germany after the last 2 World Wars, and i might be wrong, but i think Turkey is also a poorer country. Parts of Africa are also very poor.
on October 13, 2012