Which one of these people would be your friends (I am basing them on my friends)?

Nice girl, loves the nature, chubby, pretty but no make up, shy but not too much, amazing at strings, likes Michael Jackson.
1 vote
Has humor, really kind, can't say a mean thing even to her worst enemy, talkative, loves going to the gym, singer.
0 votes
Boy who talks to girls, loves music, is funny, likes video games, sits down with people who are crying and cheers them up.
0 votes
Helps people study, baby sits, cheers people on when they do running races, he is popular, skinny, sporty, cute.
0 votes
Cool girl who doesn't want the attention she gets she tries to stick with her group of nice unpopular kids, not bright but wise.
0 votes
Smart, cute but not pretty, very intimidating, nice and shows concern for everyone, gives people second chance, and helps all.
1 vote
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