What is your Legend Dragon?

What is your Legend Dragon?

Are you FireCharm, RiverFang, VenomScale, ForestTail, or BreezeEye? It says I need a few more words.

published on September 19, 201450 responses 15
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There are five doors. Which one do you go through?

The one on fire.
The one with a pretty design on it.
The obsidian one.
The frosted glass one.
The one that's just plain wood.


Because I take risks.
Because it's pretty.
Because it's mysterious.
Because who wouldn't choose the frosted glass door?
I dunno.

What color hair do you have?

Bright red or ginger hair with fiery curls.
Long, caramel hair.
Wavy black hair.
Short, blonde hair.
Short dark brown hair.

What's your style?

Neon colors and hiking boots.
Long white dresses.
Goth stuff. Like, with chains and studs and stuff.
Pastel colored shorts and tanktops.
Natural colores, like green and brown, with jeans and a sweater.

What color is your favorite? (Sorry. This question is essential!)

Golden orange or fiery red.
Calm blue or peaceful jade.
Smooth silver or charcoal black.
Pearly white or sunflower yellow.
Chocolate brown or emerald green.

What's your favorite outside thing?

The warm campfires.
The water!
Stars and darkness.
The wild breeze!
The woods.

It's raining. What do you do?

Awesome! I'll o a science experiment in the rain!
Dance in the rain, of course!
Fight with my siblings.
Run around the house to get my energy out!
Cower under the blankets and shudder as it thunders.

You see someone about to shoot a relative that you love. What do you do?

Jump in front of the bullet!
Start sobbing loudly as they die.
Wrestle the shooter until they shoot themselves.
Run away.
Stand there, timidly.

You see someone about to shoot a beloved pet and they're not old or sick. What do you do?

I am angry!
Jump in front of the bullet!
Who cares about that stupid pet?
Start sobbing loudly as they die.
Wrestle the shooter until they shoot themselves.