Respect Boundaries

Respect Boundaries

Take this quiz to discover which type of boundaries and respect you exemplify in relationships.

published on April 20, 20230 responses 0
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How do you react when your friend oversteps the boundaries of your friendship?

How do you react when your friend oversteps the boundaries of your friendship?
Let it go, forgiveness and understanding is key
Stand up for yourself and ressecet your boundaries
Take a step back and have a conversation about it
Find a way to reconcile the situation in order to keep the friendship intact

How do you feel when it comes to talking to others in a respectful way?

How do you feel when it comes to talking to others in a respectful way?
I'll express my opinion with kindness and respect
I'm passive and don't always speak my mind!
I will talk it through with patience
I don't take it personally, it's just part of life

How do you decide when someone has gone too far with their behaviour?

How do you decide when someone has gone too far with their behaviour?
I weigh the facts and make my decision accordingly
I look at the whole situation objectively
It depends on how it makes me feel
What is the best solution to repair the damage?

How do you usually handle disagreements?

How do you usually handle disagreements?
I listen and look for opportunities to come to common ground
I remain calm and understanding, but I still make my point clear
I try to find the good even when it's hard to see
I'm assertive, but never aggressive

When it comes to dealing with people how do you prefer to conduct yourself?

When it comes to dealing with people how do you prefer to conduct yourself?
I stand my ground, but am willing to compromise
I look for the good even in challenging situations
I seek harmony between people to avoid unnecessary conflicts
I try to protect myself while being generous towards others

When someone disrespects you, how do you usually react?

When someone disrespects you, how do you usually react?
I try to find a way to move past this incident
I express my thoughts and feelings assertively
I focus on understanding the reasons behind the disrespect shown to me
I'm direct about what is and isn't acceptable

How do you handle confrontations with others?

How do you handle confrontations with others?
I seek active solutions that bring the confrontation to an amicable end
I approach it calmly, but also make it clear I won't tolerate bad behaviour
I take responsibility for how I dealt with the confrontation
I remain clear and firm about what is acceptable and what is not

How do you make sure your boundaries are respected?

How do you make sure your boundaries are respected?
I express why I have a certain boundary to help them understand
I'm consistent with my boundaries - I don't waiver
I try to talk things through and come to an understanding
I communicate clearly about what is and isn't okay

How do you respond when someone crosses your boundary?

How do you respond when someone crosses your boundary?
I try to forgive and focus on the lesson learnt
I firmly state my boundary and why I set it
I separate myself as a last resort, to maintain my boundary
I explain how upset I am and try to reach a mutual understanding

How do you feel when someone speaks rudely to you?

How do you feel when someone speaks rudely to you?
I try to take a step back and think how I can deescalate the situation
I calmly state that it is not acceptable
I don't let it slide, but I don't get emotional either
I try to understand the reason behind the rudeness and move on

How do you typically react when you feel overwhelmed by a situation?

How do you typically react when you feel overwhelmed by a situation?
I take a step back to re-establish my boundaries
I stay calm and do not compromise my point of view
I take a step back, understand the bigger picture and accept it
I assess the situation and see if I can find a middle ground

Which of the following statements best describes your beliefs about respect in relationships?

Which of the following statements best describes your beliefs about respect in relationships?
Respect comes with boundaries and it's important to stand your ground
Treat others how you want to be treated - it helps to make relationships stronger
Respect for others comes from understanding, not judgement
Respect must be mutual and consistent on both sides