What one the books i've read are you?

Stretching out from The Theif Lord to The Fallout, let me calculate what story you are and need to try!

published on May 21, 201624 responses 3
What one the books i've read are you?
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What do you normally do in your daily life?

What do you normally do in your daily life?
I don't do much, running, texting a friend..
Surviving in this world, try to get a position back... Y'know, the usual.
*sigh* Running, exercising, living in a Hell hole we call life.
I do a lot, which is normally avoiding starvation and hypothermia.
I love to go to the ocean or study animals from the ocean.

How do you feel towards a deceased loved one?

How do you feel towards a deceased loved one?
I haven't lost any.. Yet.. But when I do, I will probably bawl my eyes out, and probably lock
myself in my room.
Guilty guilty guilty!
Let's not talk about it.
I don't know, not like I can cry since I'm adrift... But silently and internally I'm crying.
I loved them, truly I did... But the guardians I am with right now..
Heck, I don't care if they die or not :)
The one I did loose deserved to die, so, I can't really say I'm sad about it.

You are often...?

You are often...?
Fighting for your life, or studying the sea; either is ALWAYS an option to you.
Finding friends, beating enemies, and traveling your town with close friends.
Figuring out secrets, or just trying to enjoy life.
Living under the hands of your family in your 'house'. Soon secrets are spilled.
Living near friends, and going around town in winter in stores.

What is your favourite thing out of these?

What is your favourite thing out of these?
Hanging out with family members or your friend(s)
The sea life

Do you like reading?

Do you like reading?
One of my friends is a readaholic! For me, it's not my favourite, but I will when I want
Reading? Never crossed my mind, but I will once I get ahold of a book!
I don't have time for that, sorry.
I love to read, or at least, I just have too many books..
Eh, not as much as I did before.

What's your favourite activity?

What's your favourite activity?
I love to hang with friends since I hardly can do anything else.
I love to study, or learn, either one
Marine life!
I love to play sports!
I mainly watch my younger sibling, but I don't know..