Which Musical Are You?

Which Musical Are You?

Keep in mind this quiz will only be about stage musicals and not book-based or movie musicals. But I might make a movie musical quiz too though so stay tuned gamers.

published on December 08, 201828 responses 2
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What kind of stories do you like?

What kind of stories do you like?
I don't like stories. They're not real, so they don't matter.
I like superstitions and other cautionary tales. For the most part, I believe in them.
I like stories of the past. More specifically, historical events that although tragic at the time, benefited
humanity in the long run.
I like stories based on real people overcoming adversity.
I like stories based on real people, but I like them to be told realistically. Not everything works out
perfectly for everyone.
I like stories with an emphasis on entertainment value. It doesn't matter to me whether or not it's
grounded in reality.
I like hearing stories that are personal to me. Like my family history.
I like fairytales. They teach important life lessons while letting you escape reality for a bit.

How do you feel about narration?

How do you feel about narration?
I would rather narrate my own stories, thanks.
Narration is over-rated.
Narration can be a very powerful device, but only when used in a very deliberate way. The narrator
needs to have more to them than narration.
Narration is useful when you need to set a tone for a scene.
I don't like narration. The characters should be able to speak for themselves.
I like it when protagonists are also narrators.
It's better to show and not tell.
A little bit of narration can be okay, but the plot shouldn't rely on it. It's more just to tie up loose ends.

Which themes would be more appealing to explore to you?

Which themes would be more appealing to explore to you?
The idea of what a "happily ever after" is.
Crime and how the media perceives it.
Success, its consequences, and its inevitable downfall.
Love– family, romance, God, country, music, nature, etc. The love of everything!
Religion, political power and substantial wealth.
Superstition and fate.
Revenge and justice.

What style of music do you prefer (out of the following)?

What style of music do you prefer (out of the following)?
70's hip-hop.
60's boy band.
80's pop.
Classic musical theatre show tunes with an emphasis on powerful vocals.
Show tunes with an emphasis on talk-singing and articulation.

What plot genres do you generally prefer?

What plot genres do you generally prefer?
Really historical fiction. The older, the better.
More modern-based historical fiction. Something that happened within the same century as it was
Dark comedy. Humour and horror go perfectly together.
Romantic comedies.
Dramas and thrillers with a little extra dazzle.
Documentary styles.
Realistic tragedies.

How dark do you like to go?

How dark do you like to go?
Just plain old hard-hitting. I want to be crying by the end of it.
As dark as possible while still managing to be entertaining. The kind of thing that would scar a child
forever but make a jaded adult laugh.
Light-hearted with moments of seriousness sprinkled here and there.
Pretty dark while still keeping a light facade. I love juxtaposition.
Dark, but with an optimistic sort of perseverance that leaves you feeling good.
Not dark, not light, just realistic.
It's less about how dark something is and more about how powerful something is.
I prefer a comedy, but I'm not afraid to explore darker concepts.

What's your sense of humour?

What's your sense of humour?
Dirty jokes for the win. I have the mind of a twelve-year-old.
Irony-based jokes.
Situational comedy.
I don't have a preferred style of comedy.
Hyperbolic humour.
The kind of traditional comedy you get by looking a the absurd through a normal, grounded lense.
Shock-base humour with no hard limits. The more grotesque, the better.
The kind of comedy that's realistic and should come naturally.

Pick a quote, any quote.

Pick a quote, any quote.
"They're gonna recognize my eyes, my hair, my face, my boobs, my nose. Oh, I'm a star!"
"If your slate is clear, then you can't throw stones. If your slate is not, then leave her alone!"
"He means to marry me Monday. What shall I do? I'd rather die. I'll swallow poison on Sunday! That's
what I'll do, I'll get some lye."
"Did you never hear how the Johnstones died? Never knowing that they shared one name until the day
they died. When a mother cried 'my own dear sons lie slain!' Or did you never hear of the mother so
cruel there's a stone in place of her heart? Bring her on, and judge for yourselves how she came to
play her part."
"For here you are, standing there, loving me, whether or not you should. So somewhere in my youth or
childhood, I must have done something good. Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could. So
somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good."
"I wish my son were not a fool, I wish my house was not a mess, I wish the cow was full of milk, I wish
the walls were full of gold, I wish a lot of things!"
"I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay, ain't it sad? And still there never seems to
be a single penny left for me. That's too bad"
"Told my girl we had to break up, hoped that she would call my bluff. Then she said to my surprise
'Big girls don't cry.'"