The Jealousy Personality Quiz (1)

The Jealousy Personality Quiz (1)

Discover which type of jealous person you are! Take this quiz to find out!

published on December 24, 20231 response 0
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How do you usually react when your partner spends time with someone else?

How do you usually react when your partner spends time with someone else?
I feel a bit insecure, but I don't let it show.
I become consumed by jealousy and start arguments.
I pretend to be cool with it, but deep down it bothers me.
I constantly check up on them and become extremely possessive.
I trust them completely and don't feel jealous at all.

How do you handle jealousy in a relationship?

How do you handle jealousy in a relationship?
I openly communicate my feelings and work through it with my partner.
I obsessively investigate and snoop around to find evidence of infidelity.
I keep my jealousy to myself and try to deal with it on my own.
I suppress my jealousy and hope it will go away.
I confront my partner and demand constant reassurance.

Which scenario would trigger your jealousy the most?

Which scenario would trigger your jealousy the most?
Hearing rumors about my partner's past relationships.
Seeing my partner getting too close to someone at a party.
Seeing my partner liking someone else's social media posts.
Not knowing who my partner is texting or calling.
Not being invited to a social event my partner attends.

How often do you feel jealous in your relationships?

How often do you feel jealous in your relationships?
Occasionally, depending on the situation.
Almost constantly, it's a constant battle.
Rarely or never.
Frequently, even in minor situations.
Most of the time, regardless of the situation.

How do you cope with feelings of jealousy?

How do you cope with feelings of jealousy?
I isolate myself and withdraw from my partner.
I distract myself with hobbies and activities I enjoy.
I seek validation from my partner to ease my fears.
I express my jealousy through passive-aggressive behavior.
I practice self-reflection and try to address the underlying insecurities causing my jealousy.

How do you react when your partner speaks positively about someone else?

How do you react when your partner speaks positively about someone else?
I become defensive and question my partner's intentions.
I can't handle it and confront my partner immediately.
I dismiss their opinion and make negative comments about the person.
I genuinely feel happy for them and show genuine support.
I try to hide my jealousy, but I still feel a pang of insecurity.

How do you react when someone flirts with your partner in front of you?

How do you react when someone flirts with your partner in front of you?
I trust my partner and don't pay much attention to the flirtation.
I verbally attack the person and assert my dominance.
I internalize my jealousy and feel inadequate.
I get furious and intervene to protect my territory.
I feel a bit uncomfortable but choose not to make a big deal out of it.

What is your biggest fear in relationships?

What is your biggest fear in relationships?
Discovering my partner's infidelity or emotional connection with someone else.
Feeling constantly inadequate compared to others.
Not receiving enough attention and affection from my partner.
Losing trust in my partner and being betrayed.
Being left out or excluded from my partner's life.

How do you handle your jealousy without causing harm to your relationships?

How do you handle your jealousy without causing harm to your relationships?
I take breaks from social media and avoid triggers that intensify my jealousy.
I take control of my thoughts and redirect my energy towards positive aspects of my relationship.
I focus on building self-confidence and trust in my relationship.
I seek therapy or professional help to deal with my jealousy.
I communicate openly with my partner about my insecurities and work together to resolve them.

How do you feel when your partner spends time with their close friends without you?

How do you feel when your partner spends time with their close friends without you?
I feel happy for them and encourage their independent connections.
I feel a bit left out, but I respect their need for individual relationships.
I feel threatened and paranoid that they might replace me with their friends.
I become too possessive and start demanding constant updates about their whereabouts.
I feel lonely and invisible, questioning my worth in the relationship.