What friend are you?

Ever wonder what your friends think of you? By answering the scenarios in my quiz you will find out!

published on January 13, 20206 responses 1
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Your friend just had her boyfriend break up with her and is deviated. What do you do?

You keep doing what your doing. She will
get over him. It will tiffin her up.
Comfort her. You will stay with her till
she feels better and try to cheer her up.
Your staying put. If she needs
comforting she can come over to my

Your friends mom said that your friend has to shovel the snow in the driveway. You?

Go over to her place and play a game
while doing the work
Go over to help her but just work to get
things done quick.
She can do it her self. Her chores not

A final is coming up and your friend is studying. You?

Study with her. It will be fun
I don't need to study
Study alone. No distractions.

How do you spend the holidays?

At home where I can stay cozy
Studying for the exams
With friends and family

Why did you take this test?

For fun!
I don't know
I need to know what my friends think of