Trust Spectrum Quiz

Trust Spectrum Quiz

Take this 10-question compatibility survey to understand where your trust levels lay in the trust spectrum.

published on April 29, 20231 response 0
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How open are you to new people and opportunities in life?

How open are you to new people and opportunities in life?
I'm not very open
Open and trusting
It depends on the situation
Only certain types of people

Do you find it hard to trust strangers?

Do you find it hard to trust strangers?
Very difficult. I keep people at an arm's length
Yes, unless there's a good reason to do so
It depends on how well I know them
No, I trust strangers and friends alike

When judging a person, do you look at personal history or other details?

When judging a person, do you look at personal history or other details?
A bit of both
I try to analyze personal history first
I look for external details first
I don't judge people

When somebody shares their opinion, how do you react?

When somebody shares their opinion, how do you react?
I take them at their word
I question the accuracy of the opinion
I think it over and decide
I listen with an open mind

How likely it is for you to believe the promises of others?

How likely it is for you to believe the promises of others?
I accept them at face value
I weigh their words carefully
I doubt their honesty
I believe them if I think them sincere

How do you feel when faced with a change of plans?

How do you feel when faced with a change of plans?
I stay alert and assess it
I'm quick to look for underlying motives
I'm happy to go with the flow
I evaluate the pros and cons

Where are you the most trusting: with family, friends, or strangers?

Where are you the most trusting: with family, friends, or strangers?
Family and friends first
Depends on the context
All equally
Strangers the least

Do you form opinions about people quickly or do you take time?

I'm too suspicious to form an opinion soon
I come to conclusions quickly
I won't judge quickly
I observe and form my opinion over time

Do you strive to be a trusting person?

Do you strive to be a trusting person?
Yes, I try to be wise too
No, I'm naturally skeptical
Yes, while being aware of potential risks
Yes, I try to be trusting

When you are uncertain, do you take risks or back off?

When you are uncertain, do you take risks or back off?
I back away
I take risks
I go ahead if risks are acceptable
I assess the situation first

In a relationship, do you trust your partner too easily?

In a relationship, do you trust your partner too easily?
It depends on the individual
Yes, too easily
No, I never trust too easily
Yes, but I stay vigilant