Can you survive me?

This is a survival quiz, now let's test your skills and see if you will make it from me. Warning: This is a rp quiz, a warning for haters of rp quizzes.

published on December 30, 201577 responses 18
Can you survive me?
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You: *walking down with a friend of yours, then saw a creepy haunted like house.*
Friend: Hey, let's go check it out, Y/N!
You: I'm not so sure about this.
Friend: Oh come on, this might be cool!

You: *walking down with a friend of yours, then saw a creepy haunted like house.* Friend: Hey, let's go check it out, Y/N! You: I'm not so sure about this. Friend: Oh come on, this might be cool!
You: Hell no I ain't going into that creepy place!
Friend: What are you, chicken?
You: Fine! *follows friend to the gates.*
You: I'm not sure about this still.
Friend: Please! Just this once at least. *begs.*
You: *sighs.* Fine. *follows friend to the gates.*
You: Hell yeah!
Friend: Yes!
You: *follow friend to the gates.*
You: Okay!
Friend: Awesome!
You: *follows friend to the gates.*

You: *walks up to the gates, then you and your friend read a sign.*
Friend: It says, 'Come, if you dare!'
You: *opens gates gently.*

You: *walks up to the gates, then you and your friend read a sign.* Friend: It says, 'Come, if you dare!' You: *opens gates gently.*
You: F*ck this, I'm out!
Friend: *grabs you, then drags you up the path.*
You: *walks up the path with your friend to the door.*
You: *quietly follow your friend to the door.*
You: *runs past your friend, wanting to get inside first.*

You: *walks up to the door.*
Friend: *knocks at the door.*
Door: *opens wide by itself.*
You and Friend: *looks at each other.*

You: Can we go now?
Friend: Just a bit father at least. *drags you in.*
You: Okay?
Friend: Creepy.
You: What just happened?
Friend: The door just shut by itself.
You: I don't wanna die!
Friend: Same here!

Door: *slams shut behind you guys, no one there to shut it.*
You: *go pale.*
Friend: Shh, listen. *you both listen to hear whispers, like a girl whispering and talking to herself.*
You and Friend: *walks to the sound, then to find a girl a few feet away in the hall way, muttering something.*

Door: *slams shut behind you guys, no one there to shut it.* You: *go pale.* Friend: Shh, listen. *you both listen to hear whispers, like a girl whispering and talking to herself.* You and Friend: *walks to the sound, then to find a girl a few feet away in the hall way, muttering something.*
You: Um, are you alright?
You: Need some help?
You: She's kinda starting to creep me out.
You: Hey, can you hear me?!

Me: *turns to you guys, holding a knife.* *runs up quickly when you guys were surprised, cutting across your friends neck.*
Friend: *falls down to the floor, bleeding and dead.*
You: *go pale when I looked at you.*

Run for my life!
Hope for the best and run!
Run! Run! Run!