Trust Assessment

Trust Assessment

Discover your trust personality with this quiz! Take this quiz to find out!

published on October 16, 20231 response 0
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How do you handle secrets?

How do you handle secrets?
I am a vault; I keep secrets locked away.
I may share a secret if it benefits someone.
I have trouble keeping secrets; they slip out sometimes.

In a new relationship, how quickly do you trust someone?

In a new relationship, how quickly do you trust someone?
I trust until given a reason not to.
Trust is earned over time, it doesn't come easily.
I am cautious and take time to build trust.

How important is it to you for others to trust you?

How important is it to you for others to trust you?
It's crucial; trust is the foundation of all relationships.
I don't mind if others don't trust me completely.
It matters, but it's not my top priority.

What do you do if you catch someone lying to you?

What do you do if you catch someone lying to you?
I let it go; sometimes it's better not to know the truth.
I give them a chance to come clean on their own.
I confront them immediately and address the issue.

Do you easily trust someone again after they've broken your trust?

Do you easily trust someone again after they've broken your trust?
I tend to forgive easily and give trust another shot.
I believe in second chances, but they have to earn it.
It takes a lot of time and effort to regain my trust.

How often do you second-guess people's intentions?

How often do you second-guess people's intentions?
Occasionally, but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Rarely; I believe people generally have good intentions.
All the time; I'm always skeptical of others' motives.

What do you value most in a trusting relationship?

What do you value most in a trusting relationship?
Honesty and loyalty above all else.
Mutual support and acceptance.
Open communication and understanding.

How much do you rely on intuition to gauge someone's trustworthiness?

How much do you rely on intuition to gauge someone's trustworthiness?
I rely more on past experiences and evidence.
Intuition plays a significant role in my judgment.
I listen to my gut feeling but also consider other factors.

What is your response when someone asks for your advice?

What is your response when someone asks for your advice?
I give sincere and unbiased advice to the best of my ability.
I prioritize loyalty and support over giving advice.
I offer advice based on personal experiences and lessons.

How do you handle disagreements in a relationship?

How do you handle disagreements in a relationship?
I confront issues head-on and communicate openly.
I try to find a reasonable compromise and resolve the issue.
I prioritize maintaining harmony and peace.

Are you comfortable sharing your vulnerabilities with others?

Are you comfortable sharing your vulnerabilities with others?
Yes, I believe vulnerability is a sign of strength and trust.
I prefer to keep my vulnerabilities to myself.
It depends on the person and the level of trust we have.