What Harry Potter wand would you have?

I dont want to put a description so yeah i have to put these words very sadly so yeah enjoy the quiz

published on August 28, 201823 responses 4
What Harry Potter wand would you have?
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Your in divination class with your friends. The teacher asks, "What do you see in the crystal ball?" You see nothing but white mist. What do you do?

Your in divination class with your friends. The teacher asks, "What do you see in the crystal ball?" You see nothing but white mist. What do you do?
Tell the truth- " i just see white mist "
Tell a small lie- " I see...... er..... my house winning the quiditch cup! "
Tell a BIG lie- " I see a massive war! "
Tell a EVIL lie- " I see you getting sacked professor! "
Say nothing and pretend your not alive

You have been chosen to duel with your deadly nemesis.... Uh oh! You better think quick! What do you do?

You have been chosen to duel with your deadly nemesis.... Uh oh! You better think quick! What do you do?
EXPELIARMUS - something simple and easy
CRUCIO - I need to cause them pain..... mwahahaha
AVADA KADAVRA - I just need them to be gone from my life....
STUPIFY - that will knock 'em off their feet!
INCENDIO - The fire will block his sight of me

You have found the mirror...... What do you see?

You have found the mirror...... What do you see?
You with your friends having a nice day together
You with your family celebrating your birthday
You see yourself in a mansion covered in galleons
You see yourself winning the quiditch cup
You see yourself. Perfect the way you are

What house are you in?

What house are you in?
Gryffindor im brave and daring
Slytherin im ambitious and cunning
Hufflepuff loyal and friendly
Ravenclaw witty and smart
I can't decide the sorting hat must choose!

The death-eaters are here... What do you do?

The death-eaters are here... What do you do?
PETRIFICUS TOTALUS - it will give me some time to escape
SECTUM SEMPERA - the blood should distract them for my get-a-way
PROTEGO - hopefully it will protect me for enough time.
LEVI CORPUS - that will make Bellatrix scream!

What pet would you choose to accompany you to Hogwarts?

What pet would you choose to accompany you to Hogwarts?
Small snake
Small spider

You have been chosen to be the first to touch buck beek. How do you approach him?

You have been chosen to be the first to touch buck beek. How do you approach him?
I don't approach that monster EEK!!!
Nice and slow.....
Eh this ugly chicken can't hurt me!
Walk casually and hold out your hand

When you leave Hogwarts what job do you take?

When you leave Hogwarts what job do you take?
A Proffesor
Death eater
St mungos healer
Worker for Ministry Of Magic

If you could make another Harry Potter movie what would you name it.

If you could make another Harry Potter movie what would you name it.
The rise of Voldemort
The new order of the phoenix
The curse of Horecruxes
There should be no more after the deathly hallows!

When were you born?/ What is your patronus?

When were you born?/ What is your patronus?
January - peacock
February - cat
March - tiger
April - unicorn
May - hare
June - meerkat
July - wolf
August - phoenix
September - stag
October - fox
November - stallion
December -guinea pig