which guy should I choose?

which guy should I choose?

I like both guys and both guys like me but I have no clue who I should pick

published on January 20, 201372 responses 11
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Guy 1 is really nice to me and he is my best friends brother

Guy 1 is a big no!
Guy 1, uh, duhh

guy 1 also makes wierd noises like high pitch yipes and it wierd

dont go for him honey
try to ignore those noises and give him a chance

guy 1 is also 2 years older than me but he still likes me

age is just a number
too oldd

guy 2 is really sweet and he would acctually kiss me and guy 1 wont

guy 2, YES
go for guy 1 you dont need to be kissing

guy 2 is 3 years older than me but he still likes me

too old, forget him
again age is just a number

guy 2 is also my best friends ex

friends stick together so say no to guy 2
your friend should be over him if he is her ex go for guy 2

overall which guy should i go for?

guy 1
guy 2