
Do you see yourself as a trusting person? Find out with our Trustometer quiz!

published on May 08, 20233 responses 0
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When meeting someone new, what is your initial instinct?

When meeting someone new, what is your initial instinct?
Hold your ground firmly
Keep it polite and brief
Question their motives
Be personable and open

Which is more important in relationships?

Which is more important in relationships?
Independent freedom
Open communication
Strong boundaries
Evidence and facts

How do you prefer to make decisions?

How do you prefer to make decisions?
Measuring risks & rewards
Seeking advice
Knowing what I want
Questioning everything

When dealing with a difficult situation, what do you instinctively do?

When dealing with a difficult situation, what do you instinctively do?
Discuss with others
Keep things to myself
Look for a loophole
Think twice carefully

When someone needs help, how do you usually act?

When someone needs help, how do you usually act?
Give only what is just
Leave it to them to figure out
Verify their story before helping
Go out of my way to help

In your daily life, what kind of behaviors do you expect from people?

In your daily life, what kind of behaviors do you expect from people?
Live & let live
Problem solving
Treat people justly
Help & kindness

In a conversation, which do you value more?

In a conversation, which do you value more?
Free expression
Connection & understanding
Proof & facts
Mutual respect

When judging people, what's your stance?

When judging people, what's your stance?
Assume the worst
Judge carefully
Be impartial and fair
Give people the benefit of the doubt

How do you usually interpret people's behavior?

How do you usually interpret people's behavior?

In trying times, how do you generally cope?

In trying times, how do you generally cope?
Help others & look for hope
Arm yourself with facts
Provide resources & caution
Take a step back