Boundary Buddies

This quiz will help you identify which personality type you are when it comes to boundaries in relationships. Each personality type has a different approach to creating and maintaining boundaries. Find out which one properly applies to you!

published on April 25, 20230 responses 0
Boundary Buddies
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When I disagree with a friend, I usually:

Avoid the conversation altogether.
Accomodate the other person.
Stand my ground without compromising.
Try to talk it out and understand the other person's point of view.

If I feel hurt but want to keep the peace in a relationship, I usually:

If I feel hurt but want to keep the peace in a relationship, I usually:
Withdraw and remove myself from the relationship.
Express my feelings and ask for understanding.
Tell the person how I feel and firmly assert my beliefs.
Put my needs aside to keep the person happy.

My friends would describe me as ____ when it comes to expressing my boundaries:

My friends would describe me as ____ when it comes to expressing my boundaries:

When I feel disrespected, I usually:

When I feel disrespected, I usually:
Remove myself from the situation.
Give it time and then address the person.
Take a step back and find a peaceful resolution.
Let the other person be right.

If I am in an unfamiliar situation and feel uncomfortable, I usually:

If I am in an unfamiliar situation and feel uncomfortable, I usually:
Trust my intuition and speak up if needed.
Try to start a conversation and get to know the people.
Be pleasant and just go with the flow.
Look for an exit and remove myself.

When someone asks for a favor I don't want to do, I usually:

When someone asks for a favor I don't want to do, I usually:
Agree, but reset expectations as needed.
Say no and firmly explain why.
Sacrifice my needs to satisfy the other person.
Try to escape by pleading a prior commitment.

When I need to keep a boundary, I generate boundaries by:

When I need to keep a boundary, I generate boundaries by:
Sacrificing my own needs to keep the peace.
Reinforcing my own views and needs.
Creating physical or emotional distance.
Taking into account the other person's needs.

I'm more likely to ____ when it comes to creating and maintaining boundaries:

I'm more likely to ____ when it comes to creating and maintaining boundaries:
Be direct and assertive.
Collaborate with the other person.
Avoid the conversation.
Put my needs aside for others.

If I'm in a difficult situation and negotiating boundaries, I usually:

If I'm in a difficult situation and negotiating boundaries, I usually:
Suggest a win-win situation.
Communicate clearly and respectfully.
Sacrifice my needs to make the other person happy.
Leave the situation and find a refuge.

When I need to take a stand, I usually:

When I need to take a stand, I usually:
Explain my point of view and look for a compromise.
Remove myself from the situation.
Voice my boundaries directly.
Tolerate the other person, even when I disagree.