What kind of fangirl are you?

What kind of fangirl are you?

This will tell what kind of fangirl you are. Are you the Know-it-all, the Shipper, the Fanfic Writer, the Meme, the Analyst, or the Neutral Fangirl?

published on August 12, 201662 responses 16
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What do you usually do that has to do with your fandom?

What do you usually do that has to do with your fandom?
I get on the internet and find things about my fandom
I find new ships
i write fanfictions
i make/look at memes
i analyze things
i do other stuff

new fanfic came out! what do you do?

new fanfic came out! what do you do?
look for stuff that is cannon to my fandom
find new shipping fuel
quick, read it and write something to compete!
make memes out of it
analyze all the things!
umm... stuff? Oh, yea, read it.

Think fast! (favorite charictar pops out of computer/phone and hugs you)

Think fast! (favorite charictar pops out of computer/phone and hugs you)
HHHHHHHH! i know like everything about you! #suchafan
omg! ya know, i think you and ______ go together!
Has ______ ever happened to you? i wrote about if it did happen!
(lets say its Boromir from Lord of the Rings) One does not simply walk into Mordor!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me know EVERYTHING about you. (need if for my files)
>fangirl scream< i love you so much!!!!

react to this pic

react to this pic
they probably didn't have woks in Lord of the Rings. let me look that up tho...
>makes dating file for Boromir on dating site< >puts 'excellent cook' as personality trait< Time to see how many people like this! #boromirXworld
ima write a fanfic about this... "Boromir works as a chef when not at Council"
YES, ITS A MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... totally irreverent to everything. but still funny!
Ha Ha!

Are you in a community of people who like your fandom

Are you in a community of people who like your fandom

someone insults your fandom

someone insults your fandom
"you know..." (tells a bunch of stuff to get person interested)
Don't be mean to _____x_____!!!!!
look at this. (shows really good fanfic about fandom)
But... (references a meme)
what if i told you (tells stuff you found while analyzing)