Queer Relationship Compatibility

Do you find yourself drawn to those outside of heteronormativity and the traditional? Take this quiz to explore your queer relationship compatibility. This quiz takes you through 11 questions and provides a description of 5 different personality categories you may identify with.

published on April 26, 20232 responses 0
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What would your ideal first date look like?

What would your ideal first date look like?
Grabbing drinks and hopping from one club to the other
A day exploring a new city, tasting local cuisine and getting lost on winding streets
A night in watching movies, playing board games, snuggling and ordering take-out
Taking in an arty performance and discussing it at cafe afterwards
A picnic in the park, playing games and having an intimate conversation

How do you best express your feelings?

How do you best express your feelings?
By spending quality time at home, cuddling and doing activities together
By jumping into new and exciting activities and traveling to new places together
By showing up and expressing my feelings in a fun and exciting ways
By writing heartfelt letters and expressing my feelings through poetry and music
By discussing our thoughts and articulating my ideas and points of view on everything

Which pastime do you enjoy the most?

Which pastime do you enjoy the most?
Staying at home and cuddling with my partner
Having long conversations and writing small love notes
Living in the moment and having fun without being tied down by responsibilities
Examining issues from various perspectives, then vocalizing my thoughts
Exploring new activities and every form of entertainment

How often do you express yourself openly?

How often do you express yourself openly?
By embracing activities which bring me and my partner comfort and peace
By adventuring carefree and living in the now with no shame or regrets
By exchanging different thoughts and opinion with my partner in a thoughtful manner
By openly expressing my feelings without shame or doubt
By exploring the world carefree and spontaneous, looking for exciting opportunities

How do you like to share an emotion?

How do you like to share an emotion?
By engaging in an intellectual conversation about shared emotions
By expressing my feelings through an intimate and beautiful gesture
By cuddling and watching movies during a comfortable and cozy night in
By living in the now, throwing all shame and normalcy out the window
By going on a spontaneous journey to explore the unknown

What are the most important things in a relationship?

What are the most important things in a relationship?
Respect, compromise and communication
Comfort and security, togetherness and relaxation
Trust, emotional connection and spiritual bond
Daring, excitement and playfulness
Adventure, exploration and discovery

What do you value most in a relationship?

What do you value most in a relationship?
Spontaneity, exploration and surprises
Fearlessness, risk and passion
Safety, familiarity and security
Honesty, communication and intellect
Intimacy, connection and romance

Describe your ideal home with your partner?

Describe your ideal home with your partner?
Cozy and inviting, with plenty to do at home, a place filled with love and warm atmosphere
Furnished with only needed things and ready for a spontaneous journey at all times, a space filled with excitement and opportunity to explore
A home filled with fun and joy, celebrating each moment, a place free of any worries and expectations
Organized and well-designed, furnished with expression and creativity, a place full of ideas and intellectual conversations
Filled with candles and smooth music, a place devoted to lovers, surrounded with flowers and eco-friendly details

How do communicate when things get tough?

How do communicate when things get tough?
By expressing my emotions and reassuring my partner in a calming and romantic way
By daring to take the attention away from the problem and doing something carefree and exciting together
By going on a spontaneous adventure to take the focus away from the difficult situation
By spending some cozy time together to relax and regroup while offering reassurance and understanding of the issue
By listening to each other and discussing the issue in an intellectual way, finding the middle ground and compromise

What's your most preferred activity when in a relationship?

Long walks and couple dancing, sharing secrets and creating new moments together
Always looking for new ways to show love, living in the moment, dancing, laughing and having fun
Talking about life and the universe, embracing intellectual conversations and debating different topics
Jumping into new and exciting activities, looking for adventure, discovering new places and cultures
Staying at home, snuggling on the couch watching movies and playing board games

How do you celebrate your relationship?

How do you celebrate your relationship?
By exploring exciting new places, trying different activities and enjoying life's little surprises
By articulating our love and having meaningful conversations about our relationship, striking a balance between our thoughts
By writing love letters, creating beautiful moments together and reciting poetry to each other
By living in the now and having fun at whatever comes our way, not being tied down by the rules of society or logical reasoning
Having cozy nights in watching movies, playing board games and eating take-out