Dreaming isn't always a dream

Have you ever woke up but you didn't, that's what happend to me exept in one night, like an adventure, please subscribe to this page if you want to read my story here is some backround information A girl Kiki DreamsDay was adopted and brought into a family named after the spirt who made dreams change and fear and joy people's lives and Kiki gets the spirt unhappy, please post a comment if you want to hear a story like that, I hope you do because I'm thinking of beging a book series, I'd love your support <3

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Still thinking
on May 13, 2015
Hey I'm still comin up w/ ideas please share yours
on April 30, 2015
Hey peeps did u enjoy the chapter im still thinking of chapter three
on April 15, 2015
I hope u guys like my idea and I've been working Soo hard on the backrounds for the characters in the story and the main character, please please please give some support and maybe put some ideas in the comments if u have and idea for a event that happens and it might be in there
Thanks guys and please help share comment and subscribe
on April 03, 2015