Friends is awesome fan page

In this we will be talking about the good and bad things about friends. We will be having a closer look at the characters and relationships that are in friends like Ross and Rachel,Joey and Rachel,Monica and Chanler and many more.

Joey: Joey met the gang because Chandler needed a new roommate, so that's how he became a member of the group. If you don't know Joey is the one that has sex with all the ladies. but in a later series Joey and Rachel get together but have problems having sex. So they spilt up. Unlike all the others in the Joey still has no one (poor man). After the show ended Joey had his own show but it didn't last very long. Joey is a bit clueless at times but can also be the one who gets hurt See More▼
on August 24, 2016
First of all lets take a look at all the Friends characters.First up we have the man who has loved Rachel since the first time he looked at her,that man is called Ross.Now and some of the gang go way way back like Ross and Chanler,Ross and Rachel and of course Ross and Monica.Ross met Chanler back when he was in school and they have been best friends ever since.Ross met Rachel through his little sister Monica and ever since then he has had a huge crush on her (he even nearly took See More▼
on February 17, 2015