How to train your pet.

You know, all of us want to train our pet at some stage but sadly, we can't always get it right and our pet just won't listen. Well, I'm here to help. I'm getting a puppy soon and I'm reading tons of training stuff.. so I think I'm ready!

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• chase after a dog that won't come, unless safety is an issue.
• call your dog to you to reprimand them.
• call your dog over for something they clearly do not enjoy (getting their nails clipped, taking a bath, etc.).
One final word of advice: if you are still struggling with your position as leader of the pack, I highly recommend naming your next dog "Boss"… "Come here Boss!" "Sit down, Boss!" "Go fetch Boss!" It's a most empowering remedy I assure you! See More▼
on February 12, 2013
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possibilities and your dog still does not seem to understand you, then you likely need more training. For older dogs, there is the added possibility that the hearing is going, so do consider that if it applies. It's another case where hand signals can go a long way.
2) They are ignoring you.
When your dog ignores commands, it means they understand what you want them to do but are deciding not to do it.
But, you ask, how can you tell? How can you tell if your dog See More▼
on February 12, 2013
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position in the hierarchy. If everything sounds like a threat, you'll get nowhere fast.
We like to say that a dog disobeys commands mostly for one of two reasons:
1) They don't understand you.
Because dogs are responding more to your tone than the actual words you are using, if your tone contradicts your command, you may not be giving your dog a clear idea of what you want him to do.
For example, let's say you have a dog named Bob that jumps up on you all the time. See More▼
on February 12, 2013
Does your dog ignore you when you try to train it?
Information by Daniel Stevens, Secrets to dog training

So your dog is ignoring you and you don't like that. Nobody likes being ignored. It even makes some people very angry. They are the ones that tend to get ignored even more as a result. It's quite common for dogs to ignore commands. Often owners give dogs very few reasons to listen and a lot of reasons See More▼
Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dog Behavior Problems
Discover amazing secrets to saving time and money by learning how to obedience train your dog properly, and easily, without wasting time using training techniques that don't work.
on February 12, 2013
OK.. let me start with some basic training...

Does your dog dig in the back yard?!! Here's a solution...
Get a sand box in your garden, at first put treats and toys in there and let him dig, he will find treats and toys, the next week only a few toys and treats.
As he progresses only put one treat or toy in there.
After this only put a treat/toy once in a while so he never knows when the treat Will come but he does not think that there will be no more treats.
If he digs any See More▼
What type of dog do you have?
on February 11, 2013
my dog doesnt dig
on February 11, 2013
on February 09, 2013
uploaded a photo
How to train your pet.'s Photo 0
on February 02, 2013