Have you ever seen a ghost?
I love hearing about ghost stroys and stuff so I though I might want to do a page about ghosts. If you have seen or heard any true stories about ghosts you can type them bellow!
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Maybe how because sometimes I heard someone call my name a and no one is there I feel like there next to me and I don't know the voice it's not a friend from a long time ago it's not my mom
on March 16, 2018

No, but sometimes when my friends talk about horror movies, I somehow think I do.
on July 31, 2016

I have seen my grandfather and my great grandmother, I have also seen a few people I do not recognize...
on May 31, 2016

So, I have 5 ghosts nearby (no more than a meter away) at all times
(Did I mention I enjoy telling ghost experiences?) and-
So I was trying to sleep one summer night, and I felt suddenly, Paralized. All I could move were my eyes. Those ghosts were the ones. Trying to posess me
There's also the little blonde boy. About 9-10 years old, stripped shirt. Line?
"Go to sleep"
Yes, those famous words from Jeff the Killer. They are real. Yeah, don't go to sleep. See More
Let's say when he's done, you'd wish you were dead.
(Did I mention I enjoy telling ghost experiences?) and-
So I was trying to sleep one summer night, and I felt suddenly, Paralized. All I could move were my eyes. Those ghosts were the ones. Trying to posess me
There's also the little blonde boy. About 9-10 years old, stripped shirt. Line?
"Go to sleep"
Yes, those famous words from Jeff the Killer. They are real. Yeah, don't go to sleep. See More
Let's say when he's done, you'd wish you were dead.

@KazooKid true, but it may not need a scientific explimation. Maybe I'm just crazy, your right, I'm right, whatever.
on June 01, 2016
That seems far stretched?? THAT seems far stretched?? I'm just trying to come up with a logical explanation. It is possible. That's the scientific definition.
on June 01, 2016

@KazooKid ...the same Hallucinations before and after a paralysis..? I apologize, but that kinda seems far stretched... (not trying to be rude here. Just had a bad time last night -_-)
on June 01, 2016
Sleep paralysis
Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which an individual, either during falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak, or react. It is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep, characterized by muscle atonia. It is often accompanied by unusually powerful and terrifying hallucinations to which one is unable See More to react due to paralysis, and physical experiences. These hallucinations often involve a person or supernatural creature suffocating or terrifying the individual, accompanied by a feeling of pressure on one's chest and difficulty breathing. Another common hallucination type involves intruders entering one's room or lurking outside one's window, accompanied by a feeling of dread.
Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which an individual, either during falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak, or react. It is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep, characterized by muscle atonia. It is often accompanied by unusually powerful and terrifying hallucinations to which one is unable See More to react due to paralysis, and physical experiences. These hallucinations often involve a person or supernatural creature suffocating or terrifying the individual, accompanied by a feeling of pressure on one's chest and difficulty breathing. Another common hallucination type involves intruders entering one's room or lurking outside one's window, accompanied by a feeling of dread.
on June 01, 2016
on June 01, 2016
on May 31, 2016

I was looking through my 2/3rd grade stuff and apparently I had 2 demons that spoke to me when I was a kid. Now to make another oc for my other demon friend. Apparently I had written an entry in my journal I had in 3rd grade about wanting to kill my mother with my friend named Freddy. Now this is the weird thing because I never wrote in that journal, I just drew a lot. What makes this stranger is that I do remember writing in it but I don't remember what I wrote but I do know See More it was in the middle of the night. It was so weird and I just found this out yesterday. So Five Nights at Freddy's happened to me before the game even came out. So now I have Chester who spoke to me when I was 4 and Freddy who spoke to me when I was 7. Man I was a creepy kid. Also my mom was the one who found the message I wrote about wanting to kill her so...yeah.
on April 11, 2016

on December 20, 2015

bloody mary is a ghost story and i dont know if its real
but my ghost story is that when i moved in to my new house almost a year ago .
my brother picked his room and i wanted the room he picked because in the other room the door squeeked open and my stuff went missing and still to this day my stuff still goes missing and I DONT LIVE IN THAT HOUSE ANYMORE i moved out 6 months after i moved in
thanks for reading about my story
but my ghost story is that when i moved in to my new house almost a year ago .
my brother picked his room and i wanted the room he picked because in the other room the door squeeked open and my stuff went missing and still to this day my stuff still goes missing and I DONT LIVE IN THAT HOUSE ANYMORE i moved out 6 months after i moved in
thanks for reading about my story
on December 20, 2015

I was 4 or 5 I can't really remember but this is weird. My mom and dad took me to Arizona to meet my dad's friend Alex and his family. When I got there a woman introduced herself to me and said her name was Betty. She took me into the living room and watched me play with my toys. A day later my dad, my mom, Alex, and I went to the cemetery to visit the grave of Alex' wife who had died before I was born. I was playing around, not looking at the grave as my parents and Alex had See More their heads down. When I turned around I saw Betty standing next to Alex with her head down. Today I asked my dad why he and mom didn't say anything to the woman. My father asked "what woman?" I told him about the woman and this creeps me out. He told me that Betty was the name of Alex's wife who had died long before I was born. That was the woman's grave we went to. I called my mom and when I described the woman she said that is what Betty looked like.
on December 12, 2015

The ghost is still in my room, he's breathing on my ear and he messes with the electricity in my room now, mostly the lamp but that's besides the point. This a story my dad told me happened to him when he was a truck driver before he met my mom: My dad was driving in either Texas or Louisiana, it was somewhere down there. Anyways he was driving across a long stretch of road when he felt like he hit something so he stopped the car and nothing was there. He continued when this happened See More again and again nothing was there. However on the third time when he got out he saw a little girl with very pale skin standing there. Since my dad is nice he helped her into the seat next to him on the pick-up truck but the girl wouldn't say anything. Then he felt like he had hit something so he left the little girl in the truck and decided to see if he'd hit anything. Of course he didn't but when he got back into the car, the girl was gone and he was on a piece of road where it was just nothing there, no trees, no houses, just the road and the dirt. When he got to a café he was freaked out about what happened. When the waitress saw this she said: You saw her, didn't you? To which my dad replied: Saw who? The waitress said: You saw the little girl, she died 45 years ago.
on August 19, 2015

Also, another time on my computer, me and my friend play this game called animal jam while we're on a phone call. My friend tells me she's going to get a snack and I hear the door close signaling she left. All of a sudden her account starts messaging me things like "decay", and "YOU CANT STOP WHAT ALREADY STARTED", also "I will find you in your dreams". Then when my friend comes back in I show her the chat and she starts freaking out saying she wasn't in the room and my friend See More also has one of those really loud keyboards that you can hear over the phone no matter how quiet you try to be. The following night I heard what sounded like a little girl whispering into my left ear, " in your dreams..".
on August 02, 2015

It was probably two in the morning and I was on my laptop, I had glanced up for half a second and saw a tall, all black, human figure slide down the hallway. And it's weird because it didn't look like its legs moved, it was just standing straight up. He had great posture I'll give him that.
on August 02, 2015

Okay, so to the people saying they don't believe in ghosts, get off this page.

on July 25, 2015
on July 25, 2015

on July 25, 2015

My dad has and I think I have....

on July 25, 2015
on July 25, 2015

I swear I've seen a tall paste white figure in my drive way several times in the corner of my eye, no facial descriptions as far as I could see but I know its head is above a vans height and I usually see it on the opposite side of my dad's van when I take the trash out, its really freakin creepy when you just see a slenderman head looking thing in the corner of your eye....

Why would it want me to fear it @Yourfavegirl484 ? I mean the only time when its not just in the corner is when you're turning your head and you see it
on July 25, 2015

Well @Yourfavegirl484 I only get glances of it from the corner of my eye... So its hard to really do much
on July 25, 2015
on July 24, 2015