Currently trying to work on a resume so I can get a job... I hate filling out resumes, they confuse me and no matter how I word what I want to say, I can never convey my thoughts the way I want them to sound!
on July 30, 2023

Scrolling through the qfeast account's old posts is kind of insane. I feel this sort of melancholic sense of nostalgia. It probably doesn't help that I've been listening to Bambi by Baekhyun on repeat. I need to listen to something more upbeat whenever I do these sort of things.
on July 23, 2023

I feel old and I literally just turned 18 in May. That's not even old, why do I FEEL old?
on July 23, 2023

It's so incredibly insane coming back here... I think I repressed a lot of memories of this site, haha.
At the same time, I feel kind of sad for some reason. I did delete all of my accounts (and I hope to keep it that way), but I feel like I've lost some sort of sense of innocence when I compare myself back then to now. I don't mean to get edgy on main (I'm sorry!) but it's kind of a bittersweet feeling. I've gone through a lot since those days. I feel like I never really got See More to be an actual child, I don't think.
I'm sorry for the angsty post on main, I'm not sure how to describe it. Maybe that just comes with turning into I guess what I'd be considered in the States as a "legal adult"? I always thought it was interesting how you're not considered a legal adult until you're 19 in Canada, so I guess I'm not technically an adult yet in those terms. I've lost contact with basically almost all of my old Qfeast friends with the exception of Lindsey (who I still talk to today!). It makes me feel a bit sad.
At the same time, I feel kind of sad for some reason. I did delete all of my accounts (and I hope to keep it that way), but I feel like I've lost some sort of sense of innocence when I compare myself back then to now. I don't mean to get edgy on main (I'm sorry!) but it's kind of a bittersweet feeling. I've gone through a lot since those days. I feel like I never really got See More to be an actual child, I don't think.
I'm sorry for the angsty post on main, I'm not sure how to describe it. Maybe that just comes with turning into I guess what I'd be considered in the States as a "legal adult"? I always thought it was interesting how you're not considered a legal adult until you're 19 in Canada, so I guess I'm not technically an adult yet in those terms. I've lost contact with basically almost all of my old Qfeast friends with the exception of Lindsey (who I still talk to today!). It makes me feel a bit sad.

Yeah, I posted online a lot of dumb and childish shit and I was definitely nowhere NEAR mature in any sense of the word, but even then I feel like I missed out on a lot of experiences that a lot of my IRLs got to have as kids. I think I used the internet as a weird way to vent that out. Horrible decision, actually.
on July 23, 2023
on July 23, 2023

I remember there was a user on here who I used to be close with, they liked AKB48 and whatnot. I wonder how they're doing now?
I also wonder if they ever turned into Produce 48, or if they weren't into AKB48 anymore by the time that it aired.
I also wonder if they ever turned into Produce 48, or if they weren't into AKB48 anymore by the time that it aired.
on July 23, 2023

Oh my god I just remember how badly the notification sound would scare the shit out of me. I'm going to turn it off just to be safe.

i dont think hes been on since 2020
and i dont think so, i joined late 2020 so unless you were active then probably not
and i dont think so, i joined late 2020 so unless you were active then probably not
on July 23, 2023

I wonder if the admin even still check this site anymore...? It seems like Qfeast has been abandoned for the most part.
Also unrelated to the original conversation but I feel like I might have been friends with you during my earlier days, or at the very least we talked a lot. I could be remembering wrong but I wanted to ask if we did interact back then? I'm See More not sure if you went by a diff name + pronouns back then than you do now so I don't want to accidentally bring up any incorrect information
Also unrelated to the original conversation but I feel like I might have been friends with you during my earlier days, or at the very least we talked a lot. I could be remembering wrong but I wanted to ask if we did interact back then? I'm See More not sure if you went by a diff name + pronouns back then than you do now so I don't want to accidentally bring up any incorrect information
on July 23, 2023

It wasn't even like a scary sound or anything but just hearing it out of nowhere gave me a heart attack ðŸ˜
@McFaggot (do you still have to tag people in order for them to get reply notifs? If not, I'm sorry for the ping)
@McFaggot (do you still have to tag people in order for them to get reply notifs? If not, I'm sorry for the ping)
on July 23, 2023
on July 23, 2023

I have a lot of music that I listen to nowadays... My top artists at the moment seem to be ATEEZ, Lexie Liu, Dean Fujioka, Baekhyun (EXO), LIA LIA and REI AMI. I've also been listening to a lot of Viet music as of recently for some reason??
on July 23, 2023

My hair is still dyed by the way! It's just that it's not my full head of hair like before. I'd like to keep my scalp alive for the timebeing.
For the most part, it's just my natural hair colour but with a blonde streak in the front :)
I took inspiration from Choi San of ATEEZ! I'd really recommend you listen to their music, my current favourite by them is their most recent title track, BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS). I think the specific style is quite "loud" but it's one of my See More favourites.
For the most part, it's just my natural hair colour but with a blonde streak in the front :)
I took inspiration from Choi San of ATEEZ! I'd really recommend you listen to their music, my current favourite by them is their most recent title track, BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS). I think the specific style is quite "loud" but it's one of my See More favourites.
on July 23, 2023

omomori uploaded a photo
A photo of me with my friends at one of our grad events :) I'm the shorty in the middle

on July 23, 2023

I'm back for a bit, I wanted to see if I could catch some of my old friends online. At least I think some of you are my old friends? I really hope I'm not mistaking you guys for some other people who are long gone or something.

I'm a bit nervous to message or post on peoples' walls. It would be very embarrassing if it turned out that they weren't who I thought they were...?
on July 23, 2023
on July 23, 2023

My typology also may have changed since my last active session on here?
ISTJ 6w5 so/sx 683 RLOEN Melancholic-Choleric
If you don't understand any of that, don't worry about it. Haha. Typology is just one of my special interests.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses, law, ATEEZ and WWE are my special interests alongside that as well. Current hyperfixations are Euphoria (god I have such a love-hate relationship with that show), Aikatsu, Oshi no Ko and Stardew Valley.
ISTJ 6w5 so/sx 683 RLOEN Melancholic-Choleric
If you don't understand any of that, don't worry about it. Haha. Typology is just one of my special interests.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses, law, ATEEZ and WWE are my special interests alongside that as well. Current hyperfixations are Euphoria (god I have such a love-hate relationship with that show), Aikatsu, Oshi no Ko and Stardew Valley.
on July 20, 2023

This site really died, huh. It kind of feels like when you come back to some sort of building from your childhood and it's all worn down and abandoned, to be honest. I'm hoping that anyone else who stopped posting here is just moving on with their lives like I am and that nothing bad happened to any of them.
on July 20, 2023

Also I'm so sorry, I'm actually really bad with matching usernames to people who I may have been friends with when I used to be active on this site. I promise I do remember you guys, I just am really blanking on the names
on July 20, 2023

Well, I guess I should post something good that happened to me over the past year I've been gone.
I did get my legal name officially changed along with my gender and I started testosterone. :)
I officially graduated last month. It feels crazy to say because I genuinely didn't expect to have lived this long. It's a bit depressing but it's true. To be able just to say that and feel like I've finally been able to live through something that would make all that pain and struggle worth See More it in the end feels so surreal. But I did it. I've made it.
I did get my legal name officially changed along with my gender and I started testosterone. :)
I officially graduated last month. It feels crazy to say because I genuinely didn't expect to have lived this long. It's a bit depressing but it's true. To be able just to say that and feel like I've finally been able to live through something that would make all that pain and struggle worth See More it in the end feels so surreal. But I did it. I've made it.
on July 20, 2023

It's been over a year since my last update? Almost two years? I'd be surprised if anyone else is still active on this site or even remembers me.
I'm sorry for the sudden radio silence from my end for so long. Unfortunately I've been very busy during that time, as well as having been forced into limiting my online presence by someone who really wanted to monitor my internet presence in somewhat of an overly intrusive way, lets just say. Yeah I was basically stalked for a year by See More my ab/ser. Not fun. But I'm back for like, a night. Is anyone even still active on this site?
I'm sorry for the sudden radio silence from my end for so long. Unfortunately I've been very busy during that time, as well as having been forced into limiting my online presence by someone who really wanted to monitor my internet presence in somewhat of an overly intrusive way, lets just say. Yeah I was basically stalked for a year by See More my ab/ser. Not fun. But I'm back for like, a night. Is anyone even still active on this site?

And no, I'm not talking about Rachel. She actually backed off. She didn't stalk me for a whole year. It lasted a couple of months at most but she didn't go any further than that and backed off. Also, she didn't go out of her way to harass my friends and I and spew some monologues like some sort of Disney villain wannabe, lol. Yeah. That's what I had to put up See More with for a year from my ab/ser. It's... a long story, actually.
on July 20, 2023
on July 20, 2023

New update (if anyone else is even still active on this site, lol):
Not really much has happened? I started the school year and got some pretty good courses. I'm currently taking Textiles and Recording Studio as a couple of my courses. It's actually linked to the Guitar course, meaning my RS classmate and I stay for attendance with the guitar kids and then hop into the studio. It's pretty fun, actually. We're currently working on a project where we have to cover a song entirely See More from scratch, so I'm doing Rooftop by N.Flying. I currently have to learn Literary Studies in a separate classroom due to my classmate being antivaxx and my mother and I having weakened immune systems.
I'm getting my name legally changed soon, so that's going to be fun. I'm also starting to make more friends in real life, so that's good for me. I've never been a very social person, so I'm glad that I finally get to meet more people outside of my little bubble, even if it isn't many.
Turns out I was a mistyped ISTJ with very high Ti usage. My Si is too strong to be tertiary and I do indeed use Te-Fi, I just repressed it for the sake of others. My temperament blend is Melancholic-Choleric as opposed to Melancholic-Phlegmatic now. I suspect that the people I've become friends with are INFP 3w2 sx/so phlegmatic-melancholic, ENTP 9w8 sp/so sanguine-phlegmatic, ESFJ (confirmed) 2w3 so/sx sanguine-phlegmatic and INTP 9w8 sp/so phlegmatic-melancholic. Only one of these people have actually confirmed their MBTI types.
My ex (Rachel) is currently stalking my Twitter, so I'm inactive on main for the time being. If you'd like to talk to me on Twitter, please DM me on here. I'll give you my private account's @ (because I'm very worried about her finding it somehow, even though I've hard-blocked her on everything). My Instagram is still the same.
I hope everyone's doing well!
Not really much has happened? I started the school year and got some pretty good courses. I'm currently taking Textiles and Recording Studio as a couple of my courses. It's actually linked to the Guitar course, meaning my RS classmate and I stay for attendance with the guitar kids and then hop into the studio. It's pretty fun, actually. We're currently working on a project where we have to cover a song entirely See More from scratch, so I'm doing Rooftop by N.Flying. I currently have to learn Literary Studies in a separate classroom due to my classmate being antivaxx and my mother and I having weakened immune systems.
I'm getting my name legally changed soon, so that's going to be fun. I'm also starting to make more friends in real life, so that's good for me. I've never been a very social person, so I'm glad that I finally get to meet more people outside of my little bubble, even if it isn't many.
Turns out I was a mistyped ISTJ with very high Ti usage. My Si is too strong to be tertiary and I do indeed use Te-Fi, I just repressed it for the sake of others. My temperament blend is Melancholic-Choleric as opposed to Melancholic-Phlegmatic now. I suspect that the people I've become friends with are INFP 3w2 sx/so phlegmatic-melancholic, ENTP 9w8 sp/so sanguine-phlegmatic, ESFJ (confirmed) 2w3 so/sx sanguine-phlegmatic and INTP 9w8 sp/so phlegmatic-melancholic. Only one of these people have actually confirmed their MBTI types.
My ex (Rachel) is currently stalking my Twitter, so I'm inactive on main for the time being. If you'd like to talk to me on Twitter, please DM me on here. I'll give you my private account's @ (because I'm very worried about her finding it somehow, even though I've hard-blocked her on everything). My Instagram is still the same.
I hope everyone's doing well!
on September 24, 2021

on August 13, 2021

A new update.
I've started the assessment process to see if I'm able to take testosterone or not. So far it's going well. I actually found out that I'm autistic and have ADHD, which has helped me with understanding myself and the way I act. I think my PTSD is getting a bit better, along with my depression and anxiety. I've learned to put my foot down and I'm talking more with my friends.
I play Genshin now. I'm not very active on the American server but I am super active on See More the Asian server!! If you want to add me, my UID is 830825255. I'm currently saving for Xiao's rerun. He's my only kin from Genshin and I really want him.
Ari and I are no longer together. I realized that their behaviour has been incredibly toxic, selfish and manipulative, very similar to Rachel's. They would often treat me like a therapist, vent and dump all of their problems on me even when I was going through my own things. I would tell them to stop but they'd keep doing this. Ari often encouraged me to stand up for myself and put my foot down but as soon as it was standing up to them, suddenly it's not okay? Whenever I called them out on something they did, they would often try to guilt-trip me and turn it back on me. I always ended up being the one apologizing even if I wasn't the one in the wrong. Not once have I ever heard a single "I'm sorry" or "I apologize" from them. Ever. It sucks because I genuinely thought they were a good person but hey, you can't trust everyone, you know? It's best not to dwell on it for now. Besides, I have friends who support me and actually treat me well.
My situation at home has been getting better. My parents are becoming a bit more understanding of me, however, there are still moments where we don't see eye to eye, I do have a lot of disagreements with my father sometimes. Otherwise, things are getting better.
My social media handles are still the same, if you want to add me then go for it. Hopefully I'll see you guys again soon.
I've started the assessment process to see if I'm able to take testosterone or not. So far it's going well. I actually found out that I'm autistic and have ADHD, which has helped me with understanding myself and the way I act. I think my PTSD is getting a bit better, along with my depression and anxiety. I've learned to put my foot down and I'm talking more with my friends.
I play Genshin now. I'm not very active on the American server but I am super active on See More the Asian server!! If you want to add me, my UID is 830825255. I'm currently saving for Xiao's rerun. He's my only kin from Genshin and I really want him.
Ari and I are no longer together. I realized that their behaviour has been incredibly toxic, selfish and manipulative, very similar to Rachel's. They would often treat me like a therapist, vent and dump all of their problems on me even when I was going through my own things. I would tell them to stop but they'd keep doing this. Ari often encouraged me to stand up for myself and put my foot down but as soon as it was standing up to them, suddenly it's not okay? Whenever I called them out on something they did, they would often try to guilt-trip me and turn it back on me. I always ended up being the one apologizing even if I wasn't the one in the wrong. Not once have I ever heard a single "I'm sorry" or "I apologize" from them. Ever. It sucks because I genuinely thought they were a good person but hey, you can't trust everyone, you know? It's best not to dwell on it for now. Besides, I have friends who support me and actually treat me well.
My situation at home has been getting better. My parents are becoming a bit more understanding of me, however, there are still moments where we don't see eye to eye, I do have a lot of disagreements with my father sometimes. Otherwise, things are getting better.
My social media handles are still the same, if you want to add me then go for it. Hopefully I'll see you guys again soon.
on June 13, 2021